
Senin, 25 April 2011


B. The Modern Experience

1.Education Tourism
a. Bandung Institut Of Technologi ( ITB )
At Taman Sari Street

b. Padjadjaran University ( UNPAD )
At Dipati Ukur Street s

c. Indoseian Univercity Of Education
At Setiabudi Street
d. Geological Of Museum
At Diponegoro Street
e. Sun O’clock
At Kotabaru Street

2.Shopping Center Tourism

a. Braga Walk
At Braga Street
b. Chiampepas Walk ( CIWALK )
At Chiampelas Street
c. Paris Van Java Mall ( PVJ )
At Sukajadi Street
d. Bandung Indah Plaza ( BIP )
At Merdeka Street
e. Bandung Super Mall ( BSM )

3. Movie And Teather
a. 21 Cinema
b. Dago Tea Haouse
At Dago Street ( Juanda Street )
c. Sabuga Theater ( Sasana Budaya Ganesa )
At Ganesa Street

a. Mension
At Sukajadi Street
b. Embessy
At Cihampelas Street

5.Natural Tourism
a. Vulcanologi Fenomena Of Tangkuban Perahu
b. Ciater Spa Natural
c. Lembang
d. Dago Pakar
e. Ciwidey Garden

6.Hotel And Reservation
a. Hilton International Hotel
b. Hyatt Hotel
c. Papandayan Hotel
d. Aston
e. Grand Preanger
f. Panghegar Hotel
g. Holiday Inn Hotel
h. Grang Aquila
i. Grand Panghegar

7.Food And Culture
a. Kampung Daun
b. Kampung Gajah And Many More Experience
c. Saung Ujo ( Angklung Experience )

Bandung Guide tour

Feel and enjoy the last indonesia experience here, we bring you to the last indonesia with the paris van java (bandung) experience.

THE GREATEST CITY in WEST JAVA need more two hours from jakarta, the experience city with the last and modern tourism.

A.The Last Experience :
1.Sate Building, each one was builded by Natherland Government ( Hindian Natherland)
at Diponegoro Street No . 46 Bandung
2.Merdeka Building, It is one of building Histery Asia-Africa Confrention
at Asia – Africa Street Bandung
3.Braga Area Histories
The Best Place for Experience Histories.
at Braga Bussness Distric and Historian
4.Telescope Of Bosca.